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EasiTap Hinged - 2 Bolt

  • Can be installed underpressure -no costly mains shutdown, disruption to customers, dirty water complaints
  • Minimised health & safety risks to operatives
  • DN80, DN100, DN150
  • Offers either a drilled and tapped BSP boss or 2" BSP threaded outlet
  • The 'waffle' design gasket is constructed in EPDM which is WRAS approved for use with potable water
  • Ensures a reliable seal with a working pressure of 16 bar and test pressure of 24 bar
Pipe Materials
Ductile Iron Steel PVC Cast Iron Asbestos Cement

1 Corrosion Protection

All cast components are fully coated in Black Rilsan Nylon 11 which has excellent resistance to impact, abrasion, weathering and chemicals as well as good thermal stability and flexibility to accommodate for rough site handling

Viking Johnson EasiRange F&B Corrosion Protection

2 Exceptional Grip

The two halves are hinged, fully opening to permit quick and easy fitting on the pipe. There are no pins which removes any risk of bimetallic corrosion.

Viking Johnson EasiRange F&B Exceptional Grip

3 High Strength

The strength of the ductile iron housings will provide permanent support and seal around the pipe.

4 Permanent Seal

The 100% 'waffle' gasket provides a reliable and permanent leak tight seal even on circumferential or longitudinal cracks.

Viking Johnson EasiRange F&B Permanent Seal

5 Self Locating Bolts

Patented self retaining bolts not only prevent the loss of components in the trench but also self loacte allowing blind assembly. The double locking mechanism automatically locks into position once the product is fully wrapped around the pipe allowing the operator to use both hands to position over the leak.

Viking Johnson EasiRange F&B Self-locating Bolts

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    EasiRange Brochure

    EasiClamp, EasiTap, EasiTee & EasiCollar. A Rapid Solution for Pipe Repair & Tapping.


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General Videos

  • Remote EasiClamp & EasiTap
    A rapid solution for pipe repair and tapping from Viking Johnson.
    View the Video

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