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Viking Johnson Remote EasiClamp

Viking Johnson has, for more than 80 years, been an industry innovator committed to enhancing existing products and creating new ones. The success of the product development programme has been recognised, not only by its customers but by success in winning awards.

The most recent winner is the Remote EasiClamp for the prestigious Best Product Innovation Award promoted by the Society of British Water & Wastewater Industries (SBWWI) for 2010. Carrying out a pipe repair can mean replacing entire stretches of pipe, which is time consuming, disruptive and costly. Launched in 2009, the Remote EasiClamp offers quick, safe and permanent pipe repair at full operational pressure without having to enter the trench and with minimal excavation.  Since its launch, all UK water utilities have approved the Remote EasiClamp for use in the field. Operators using the product have acknowledged the benefits with respect to ease of installation and health and safety. The product will revolutionize the industry, helping utility companies carry out pipe repairs more quickly and easily, in order to reach water leakage targets set by Ofwat.